Phone: (802)433-7057


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Fine Arts: Fine Arts 2D / Painting Master of Education: Secondary Education

Mr. Tomas Liska

Mr. Liska has been teaching visual art in secondary schools for 15 years and strives to provide various modes of art making for the aspiring art student. Through a thoughtful and diverse course offering, high school students are challenged to create finished, meaningful works of art in a variety of mediums and applications that complement the elements and principles of art and design. Middle school students are initiated in a two-year project-based foundation course that seeks to sharpen core concepts learned in K-5 in order to build on new approaches to advance students' choices in their own processes. The enduring goal of the WMHS art student is to produce work that is personally expressive and carefully executed, ready to be displayed and shared with fellow peers, faculty, and community.