Phone: 802 433-7059


Degrees and Certifications:

Michigan State University BS Psychology
 Wayne State University M.Ed.

 Central Vermont Education Association
Building Representative
Grievance Chair
Negotiations Team Member
Local Standards Board Co-Chair

UVM Outstanding Teacher 2004
 SHAPE Health Teacher of the Year 2017

Mrs. Lisa Page

This is the 24th year that Ms. Page has been a proud Blue Devil! She has taught both Health and Driver Education in her time at WMHS.  She believes she has the best job in the building!  Ms. Page is passionate about Health Education and believes that our Blue Devils will make good decisions when given both open and honest information and the skills to support positive outcomes.  Outside of school, Ms. Page loves to hike, and also enjoys kayaking, gardening, and attending sporting events.  She takes pride in serving her colleagues through her work with the Central Vermont Education Association and the Local Standards Board.  This year she is teaching High School Health (For the Health of It), co-teaching LIFE, Gender and the Media, and co-teaching ELA II.  

Before becoming a Public School Teacher, she was a Health Educator at Planned Parenthood for 10 years in Michigan.  As a Health Educator, she worked with a Teen Theater Troup, coordinated all aspects of Peer Education Programs, and worked in the clinic as an HIV Test Counselor. 

Having grown up in Upstate New York, Ms. Page loves living back in New England, with her husband, Scott.  Together, they have two grown children, Rhiannon and Trevor.